Explore Sprouted Snack Mixes

  • Source

    Source premium, all-natural, non-GMO nuts and seeds.

  • Soak

    Soak in purified water to remove nutrient-blockers, improving absorption and digestion.

  • Awaken

    Awaken the nutrients inside through sprouting.

  • Perfect

    Perfect with clean, dry air and crave-worthy flavors.

The Sprouted Difference

Mother Nature is simply amazing. Take the humble non-GMO nuts and seeds in this pouch. On their own, they’re fortifying and flavorful. But, with a little gentle coaxing in purified water and clean air, we helped them transform into something truly sublime: a sprouted super snack that packs remarkable nourishment and irresistible crunch.  

Thanks to the virtues of sprouting, each serving of Purely Sprouted™ nuts and seeds provides a nutrient-dense, ready-to-eat treat your body can more easily digest and absorb. Plus, our plant-based ingredients are a natural source of protein and fiber.  

We’re excited to share the age-old wonder of sprouting with the world – adding our own delicious, crunchy twist through carefully crafted flavors and combinations. It’s purely a labor of love and a work of wellbeing!